Be Proactive

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Intro and Habit 1 - Be Proactive

Part 1 Paradigms and Principles

Leadership: "Leadership is communicating others' worth and potential so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves." -Stephen R. Covey

Key Takeaways
-Real success is sustainability and Growth - Cant always have it "right now"
-Take Responsibility. Take Initiative. -Don't play the blame and victim game 
-Prioritize - Create Balance in your life
-Work selflessly with mutual respect for mutual benefit
-Deep listening - Come to mutual understanding

-Avoid Personal Stagnation
   Body - Create a healthy lifestyle rather than a bad lifestyle and relying on surgery and meds
   Mind - Read books instead of watching TV
   Heart - Serve others rather than trying to forward self interests
   Spirit - God rather than secularism and cynicism

Intro - Inside Out

-If you want to change your situation - first change yourself
     -Change your perceptions
     -Change your motives - Create value based motives
     -Enjoy people rather than judge them

Paradigms/Paradigm Shifts
     -Old Lady/Young lady picture - Which do you see?
     -Sometimes we need a paradigm shift

-Principles govern human effectiveness (fairness, integrity, honesty, dignity, service, quality, potential, encouragement, etc.
-Principles are NOT practices and NOT value
-Character Ethic = Good - humility, fidelity, etc.
-Personality Ethic = Public image, attitudes, behaviors, skills, get people to like you, etc.
-The way you see the problem, is the problem - change the way you see it

Priciple centered - Character based Approach

Habits: Intersection of knowledge, skill, and desire

P/PC Balance - Production/Production Capability
   -Golden Egg - Chicken that produces scenerio

-Know that there are physical assets, financial assets, and human assets (humans control the other two).

Habit 1 - Be Proactive
-Try standing apart from yourself - see  yourself from someone else's view
-Social Mirror - Opinions, perceptions, paradigms of people around you
-3 Theories of Determination
   1) Genetic (DNA)
   2) Psychic (Upraising by parents)
   3) Environmental (Boss, spouse, etc.)

Stimulus ----------> Response
Man has freedom to choose in between the two
   -Self Awareness
         -Conscience (Right/Wrong)
         -Independent Will (Ability to act)

-Responsibility -- "Response - ability" = Ability to choose your response

-If other people/things control us = Reactive
    -This type of person is affected by physical environment and social environment
-Proactive people are influenced by these external stimuli, but their response is a value based choice or response.

-Difficult experiences often create paradigm shifts
-Take initiative (Resourcefulness and initiative)
-Act or be acted upon

-Our language shows if we are proactive people

-Love is a verb not just a feeling

-Where we focus our time and energy (Circle of concern and influence)

-Problems we face - Direct, Indirect, No Control
Direct-Our behavior - Private victory
Indirect-Others behavior - Public victory - Influence
No Control - Past - Accept them - don't let them control us

Circle of influence - "Be's" - I can be more patient
Circle of Concern - "Have's" I'll be happy when I have my house paid off

-Cant choose consequences of mistakes

Make and keep commitments

These are a handful of key takeaways I took from the intro and Habit 1. Let me know what you learned. I am realizing this is very difficulty to summarize all of my thoughts, ideas, and takeaways. If you have any ideas please let me know.



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